Learning is an adventure

Our Pre-school

We have a stimulating open-plan set up enabling full access to all activities and resources, Outside we have a safe and secure area to explore and inside, or out, we have a fantastic range of resources, all age appropriate to go along with our careful and thorough planning. At Christleton Pre-school we operate a Key-Worker system and each keyworker is responsible for individual planning. Through our careful observations and planning we track our children’s progress in line with the EYFS areas of development."

Prime Areas:

Specific Areas:

On a Thursday afternoon from January until the end of Summer term we offer a “Rising 5’s” session designed especially for the children about to start reception classes. This is a more structured session designed to prepare our children for making the step to “big school”. We use a range of community resources such as the library bus, our local park, vets, doctors, fire brigade, police force as well as enjoying a close relationship with Christleton Primary School.

We are open 5 days a week, term time only 9.00am to 3.00pm. Morning session runs from 9.00am to 12.00pm with the option to stay on for lunch club until 1pm. Afternoon session is from 12.00pm until 3.00pm.

Current fees are £15 per session and lunch club is £5

Ofsted Report

Prospectus (Paper copy available upon request)